Monday, December 24, 2007

Happy Kwanzaa!

We had a work "holiday" party this year in the home of one of the employees.

The director of our department is sweet, spacey, and slightly behind the times (though thinks that we are "cutting edge"). She just found out what an ipod was, for example.

Our department is about 95% white and 5% black (not the statistics for the company as a whole).

Back to the holiday party-the director was in the midst of thanking her department for all of its hard work, etc. etc...Imagine the set up: all of the black people happened to be in one part of the room for some reason (standing close to each other). The director finished up her speech and wished everyone a "Happy Holiday" and then she turned and addressed the group of black people head on and said, "and Happy Kwanzaa!"

The black people were suppressing laughter with all of their might (as was I). The funny thing is, I suspect that a lot of the black people in the South are "more" Christian than the white people.

Several other social gaffes were made at this party...


yoeeyoee said...

Hey Sabz, post something about Cafe Soul!

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