Friday, July 6, 2007

To Be A Proper Southern Lady

Following up to the post on how this is "the season of balls" in Memphis (the Princess Ball, the Zodiac Ball, etc..." I was given "feedback" from a professional colleague today (who is also an outsider to this community). She told me that I may be perceived as having "too direct of a style, I have an assertive vibe, and that that can be perceived as being pushy." She then said that she could "coach" me on being less assertive.

This is all very amusing to me. It's funny because I've gone from Berkeley/San Francisco to Memphis and Memphis perceives this as "pushy".

It's taken me this long to finally become a bit more confident in my abilities, and now I'm being told that I have to "tone it down." I honestly want to leave the South. Now. I sometimes dream of getting in my car and just driving out of the state as fast as possible. I would be so happy.

When I left for Memphis a few months ago, I spoke with a woman who had moved out of Memphis 20 yrs ago. She gave me advice which I scribbled dutifully on to the backside of an envelope. I shared it with my 2 southern friends and the three of us roared with laughter that last day in Golden Gate Park.

Here is the advice which she gave me on "how to make it in Memphis":

a) smile a lot
b) wear makeup and flirt during your interviews
c) if you have hair, grow it long
d) wear florals
e) wear skirts
f) wear pastels
g) learn to talk slow and be respectful of men

I almost puked when I heard this. I actually thought to myself, "there's no way it could be this bad."

First of all, I "get" the whole non-aggressive thing. I don't even like aggressive or even slightly pushy people myself. The thing I don't like about the South is that it's not even necessarily laidback, it's just slow. Everything.

I also get the whole polite thing and I dig that, too. When I hear or talk to people from DC now, I hear how their voices are more strident and negative. For example, I remember when I first talked over the phone with a woman from DC, I thought, "why is she in such a bad mood?" I always thought that, even when I had been living in CA for a long time.

The other thing about Memphis is that there is a huge schism between the "cool" kids (the musicians) and the rest of the community. All the cool kids stick together and the floral crowd sticks together too.


yoeeyoee said...

Southern Balls
Carpe Diem
Carpe Balls

Unknown said...

You are an excellent writer, LostInDixieLand. I have never had so much fun reading about--not living in--the South.! said...

The trick is not to be less direct, it's to say it with a Southern accent and a smile, so no one realizes it. It's an art form to insult people by making them think you're charming. I have yet to perfect it.

R. Monkey said...

bless your little heart!