Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Neighborhood crackheads

Perhaps you can't see the man in the center right portion of this photo, but he is our neighborhood crackhead. He walks up and down our block with a shopping cart and he moves a bit like a zombie. Coming from the Haight-Ashbury district, I should find his presence midly comforting, but I don't. He walks like a cross between a zombie and a robot, with minimal use of muscles. His cigarette is stuck in his mouth but his lips don't form a supportive "o" around it. I don't know why he collects bottles or cans, because there is NO COIN RETURN for any can in the lovely state of Tennessee. I think that's my requirement for where I'll live next--I must live in a state that has a coin return for cans (Marcos, I hope you are reading this) . Jesus, Oregon enacted the coin return for cans back in the 1970s and is moving on to water bottles. Tennessee is sometimes like being in a country in the Middle East, without the good food. Everything is about 20 years behind the rest of the country.

I went to a job interview yesterday and the woman had a snapshot of Nixon on her wall (clearly she had taken it). I asked (as casually as I could), "did you get to meet the president?" She retorted, "you're the first person who asked me that point-blank. I did take that picture and no, I'm not a Republican." I was mildly relieved. Another interview I went to I found a copy of Ann Coulter's "Treason" on the bookshelf. I felt a visceral pain in the gut of my stomach when I made that discovery. Ann Coulter is certifiably insane. That's like having a copy of Hitler's "Mein Kampf" on my business bookshelf.


Unknown said...

Aaah, as another Haight-Ashbury transplant, that photo just warms my heart...

yoeeyoee said...

Red states.
Blue states.
Bottle and Can Deposit States.